
8 Proven Ways to Boost Immunity to Fight Any Disease, even COVID-19

8 Proven Ways to Boost Immunity to Fight Any Disease, even COVID-19

8 Proven Ways to Boost Immunity to Fight Any Disease, even COVID-19

Immunity means protection from diseases and other damaging foreign bodies. The human immune system first identifies viruses, alien bacteria, fungi and parasites lurking in the body, and then sends in its troops - white blood cells (WBCs) - to kill the invaders and the tissues they infect. Like white knights destroying a dragon, WBCs charge into battle at any sign of trouble. They are also known as leukocytes or leucocytes.

There are several types of immunity, including innate and acquired/active. While innate immunity is something everything is born with (a type of general protection), acquired immunity develops throughout our lives.

A healthy immune system depends on a balanced mix of minerals and vitamins over time, plus a hefty dose of exercise and normal sleep patterns. Below are some of the best practices you can implement to boost your immune system naturally:

1. Little healthy habits = Long lasting effects -The most important line of defense is to choose a healthy lifestyle. Following good-health guidelines is the best step you can take toward naturally keeping your immune system healthy and strong. Every part of the body, including the immune system, functions better when supported by healthy-living strategies such as:

  • Eat a balanced diet comprising vegetable and fruits.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • If you drink alcohol, drink in moderation.
  • Try to minimize stress.

2. Get enough sleep(or forever hold your peace) - You may want to know that sleep and immunity are closely tied. Inadequate or poor sleep quality is linked to a higher susceptibility to sickness. Hence, most adults should get at least 7 hours of sleep every night.

If you are having trouble sleeping, try limiting screen time for an hour before bed. This is because the blue light emitted from your phone and computer may disrupt the body's natural wake-sleep cycle.

3. Some sun is good - Exposure to sunlight is one of the best ways for the body to naturally produce vitamin D. This helps ward off an array of bad things such as heart disease, depression, and some cancers.

A person needs about 10 minutes on a sunny day to get the vitamin D he requires. However, remember too much sun can cause temporary damage to the immune system and eventually cause skin cancer. Some sun is good, but you need to protect the skin when you plan to spend time outside. It is always advised to wear sunscreen with broad-spectrum UVA and UVB protection, SPF 30 or higher, and water resistance. Additionally, use of long pants, hats, and sunglasses is recommended.

4. Be mindful - Try to meditate or pray, and allow your brain some down time. Nothing good ever comes from worrying. The body will be in a more relaxed state and feel rejuvenated with some quiet and peace. Stress can be an inhibitor of immunity for the way it walks in and likes to settle, affecting sleep, habits, appetite, and even daily routines.

5. Promote Gut Health - The gut knows when you are happy. In fact, your gut know almost everything. So always keep it in check! Foods with good bacteria, such as yogurt, have positive health benefits. Probiotics can help the digestive system function normal and stay balanced. After all, 80 per cent of the immune system is located in the digestive system, hence it is best to keep the stomach happy and healthy.

6. Move your body - Yes, daily. Only 30 minutes.

There are many benefits to exercise, including prevention of diabetes, arthritis, heart conditions, and more. It improves the sleep quality and increases immune function. Exercise also doubles as a mental and mood booster - two benefits in one. Any type of movement can help: do yoga, ride a bike, walk, swim, or even play cricket. So, don't wait and get on with it today!

7. Have a laugh - The saying goes that laughter is the best medicine, and there is truth to that. Laughter releases dopamine and some other feel-good chemicals in the brain, all of which can help keep stress at bay. While twenty minutes of laughter a day may not keep the doctor away, it may help keep the immune system working properly.A giggle or two will only be good for you!

8. Adequate Balanced Diet - Consuming enough balanced nutrients is essential to keep the normal functioning of the body. The nutrients that relate to strong immunity can be found in our daily foods, which are also rich in vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin B, C, D, E, zinc, magnesium, calcium, and many more.Our diet provides us with most of the nutritional component for our daily bodily requirements.

However, sometimes it is not possible for us to cover all the essential vitamins and minerals in our natural diet on a regular basis, thus hampering our immunity. This is exactly where Allopathicor Ayurveda medicalsupplementscan be of major help.

Allopathic medicine, or Allopathy, refers to pharmaceutical products developed by modern medicine. On the other hand,Ayurveda supplements are products made from plants or animals. In recent years, many medical practitioners have begun to reap the fruits of combined Allopathic andAyurveda medicine therapy for better health results. However, it is advised to discuss with your healthcare professional before consuming any such products.

So here you go! Eating healthy, medication, a fair amount of exercise, and restful sleep along with these nutritional supplementswill all help you in building a strongimmunity for a long time to come.

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